Here it is, the 100th lifebuoy! We've been waiting in suspense for a few weeks now. On March 8th, the 100th lifebuoy has finally been carried over the threshold of the club by Vadym and was a present from the crew of CMA CGM Rigoletto Marseille. Thank you so much!
Just as its 99 predecessors, the 100th lifebuoy will receive a place of honour in our international seamen's club.
The 100th life buoy is a welcome occasion to point out three stories from our treasure chest. Two from the year 2017 with the titles '7. Mai 1965' (#35) and 'Einundachtzig' (#29) and one from 2015 with the title 'Ein rundes Abschiedsgeschenk' (#11). These stories were specially dedicated to the lifebuoys by Bärbel.
Enjoy reading and have fun seeking and finding the 100th life buoy on your next visit to DUCKDALBEN.